Monday, April 23, 2007


It was a honey of a day! I went to church and sang the Easter music feeling very lifted up. It was good to have a guest in the congregation. Mike P visited for the service and said he enjoyed the smallness and hospitality of the church and the quality of the programs.

After enjoying some of Mike’s gift of food for lunch, Mick settled in for a nap while I wrote the Camelot Journal entry for yesterday and then had a good round of solitaire, which I decided would be better than napping to rest up for the channeling. Jim and I had a bath and then welcomed Mike back for the session, along with Romi, who set up for the broadcast.

We had a good talk around the circle and then formed a group question after a good deal of conversation as the group came together on the focus of the topic. It was an interesting question concerning how we know when we have balanced our catalyst and when we have simply stuffed it down into our deeper mind without balancing it. I will be interested in their response when I edit the transcript.

Mike left soon thereafter and Romi set to work trying to fix Valerie’s laptop. After working with it for the remainder of the evening except for a supper break, he declared it a goner and said Windows would need to be reinstalled – that’s the only fix he knows. So Gary will attempt that with Romi’s direction.

After the Gaia Meditation, Jim and I called Mom McCarty and I came down from using my upstairs phone to find that Romi had left. I was sorry not to say good bye and thank him for his great work on these broadcasts.

A block of the Planet Earth episodes was on TV and we spent the remainder of our Sunday leisure enjoying that beautiful series. We snuggled with the cats and bade each other a fond “sweet dreams” at 11 PM.