Wednesday, December 13, 2006


On a spring-like day, wet and warm, after Morning Offering Jim continued his storm debris control for his customers while I came upstairs and tackled the burgeoning pile of snail mail on my desk. We were awash in Christmas cards and I greatly enjoyed reading everyone’s news and putting the cards up as Christmas decorations. It is an old ritual of mine which I treasure. By the end of Christmastide, the whole house will be embellished along every doorway with the beautiful cards and the loving thoughts will drift through the house like incense.

I also spent some time on the Book of Days project for Ian, answering questions he had and discussing details of the book’s production. We decided that we will include an appendix at the end of the book, giving the archival details of what date each of the readings used in the book was transmitted, as we do with all of our transcripts.

Jim came home for lunch and I continued sorting mail while we ate and then enjoyed stretching together.

Connie M had written a note that just tore at my heartstrings. She is dealing with a home problem that cannot be altered. It involves her dying mother. Her care amounts to daily torture of the emotional and mental kind for Connie as her mom has become changed, as though an evil genie had taken over her mental processes. It is a very difficult situation for a loving daughter and Connie reports learning much of wisdom during this dark time.

In the same mail, Nancy G sent me an original song to which she had written the lovely words. Nancy’s situation is sheltered and blessed and she writes to express her support and encouragement. She has never met me, and her affection is incredibly supportive. I believe she and I must have work to do together as the connection is so strong. Perhaps I am to sing some of her songs for her. I would enjoy doing that. She has often invited me to visit, and we could make this collaboration the focus of such a time together,

Something told me to take the time to sit down, pick out some hymns and sing a tape of love and healing for them both. Jim set up the tape recorders before he left to continue his damage control on his customers’ lawns storm debris, and I sang my heart out. If felt so good to express my affection for these two wonderful women – one in a very good outer situation, in the eyes of the world, and one at peril, yet both strong women, secure in their power and full of healing energy. I love them both so much.

I cannot touch the tape recorders myself unless I am OK with breaking them! There is something about my energy which kills them dead. I am so grateful this is not true of computers! So Jim set the tapes running and I just carried on until I was finished with my mini-concert. Jim finished snugging up the tapes for mailing later in the day.

Then it was time to go to Lil H for a colonic. I have found that these “high colonics” help me to be sure that my system is free of phlegm, which can hinder food absorption. Jim got home just in time to drive me, as by now it was raining heavily and I do not see well in dim light. I was most grateful for the aid. There were accidents everywhere. Louisville is a southern town, and it is typical of southern towns to be almost unable to deal with rough weather. Fortunately for us, we were able to dodge the trouble spots and I was on time for the appointment and had a good colonic. Lil uses Jim Shin Jitsu and foot reflexology to help the process along and we always have a pleasant conversation during the procedure.

Both Jim and I were exhausted by our day. After our bath, we fell fast asleep and napped for over two hours, waking just in time for the Gaia Meditation. We had a late supper after that and enjoyed a two-hour CSI which combined the casts of the New York and the Miami CSI casts in a good story, though certainly a dark one.

We said good night around midnight after a last kitty snuggle.