Thursday, December 07, 2006


It was a cold, cold day that greeted us on our last full day visiting with Mom McCarty. After Morning Offering I took my time writing the Camelot Journal entry for yesterday and spent the rest of the morning just being part of things with Mom.

After we enjoyed lunch together and Jim and I stretched, I edited the November 12th, 2006, channeling for the century edition of Light/Lines and wrote the comments before sending both off by e-mail to be published. It is nifty to look back over one hundred issues of our little newsletter and to know that we have a quarter-century of staying power in this shifting world. One chorus of Jerry Garcia’s “hair’s gray but I’m still hanging in there” lyric!

For our last dinner together we thought we were taking Mom out to Tep’s, a local bar and grill that has the best food in town. It turned out that she, by sleight of hand, took US. Blush!

It has been a good visit. I know Mom is endlessly grateful to get to spend time with her one and only son - and she loves me too! Our real present to her was our presence.

I am writing this early, just after the Gaia Meditation, since I need to send the Camelot Journal entry in and pack the computer away for the trip home, so I will just guess that between now and bedtime we will watch a bit more TV with Mom and then pack things up, hitting the hay sometime before midnight comes with its pumpkin coach to take us off to sleepland.