Sunday, August 27, 2006


This was a Saturday for lots of good work for L/L Research from Jim and Gary as well as a full day of volunteer work for Melissa. After Morning Offering Jim cooked the remainder of this next week’s menu. Then he took off on a round of errands. In the afternoon he weeded the entire yard, cut the grapevines along Little Locust Creek and then weed-ate the entire yard in anticipation of Gary’s mowing on next Tuesday. We are now as ready as we will be for the Homecoming, there in the yard! It is not as spiffy as I would have preferred it, had I been able to garden this last week, but alas, that was not to be.

Melissa had decided to come over and work on the tee shirts, all of which had come in. There was a huge amount for her to do to process them. She logged them into QuickBooks and spent the rest of the day folding them and placing them in plastic bags so that they will remain as nice as they are now. Melissa then found boxes that will keep the shirts organized by size and installed them in the cabinets designated for storing the tee shirts. It got late and she had to leave with various ends still untied there, but she did the lion’s share of it all in one day!

We now have extreme tee sizes – on the large end – and new colors and styles. The two new styles are unisex and ladies, with two pretty new colors for the women’s’ tees. It will be good to have these nice tees for people who want to do a bit of spiritual activism by wearing them around and advertising the concept that all is one. For the smaller, trimmer women’s’ tees, we reduced the size of the print on the back logo so that it would look more in proportion to the shirt. Three cheers with clusters for Mel!

Meanwhile Gary was working all day on putting the Homecoming packets together. He cropped the UPI articles I wrote to remove all the gingerbread at the beginning and end, then printed everything out on the colored paper designated to represent each chakra. He made a title page for the packet and three-hole-punched it to fit in our Homecoming booklets. Then he assembled everything. The finished products seem to me to be perhaps the nicest information resources we ever have had to offer at a Gathering. Yay Gary! Although Tobey’s packets for the Archetypes Gathering last winter were doggoned good.

I was still hors de combat. My job was to stay cheerful, to rest and to think healing thoughts, all of which I was glad to do! Clearly I have gotten a virus and it is working its way through me. I’ll be glad to wish it well on its way!

Romi called to check on whether a part he had ordered for repairs on our computer system had arrived, which it had, so he arranged to come by tomorrow to install and test it. We are so fortunate to have his aid!

After our bath, Jim and I stayed downstairs to be with Sedge, whose health has failed so much in the last few days that he is no longer jumping down to seek food and water. He does not even like to sit in our laps any more, perhaps because they are not as stable as hard, flat surfaces. He has found two “patting places”, on the tables at either side of Jim’s and my loveseat. There he stays. So there I stayed too, all day. During the day I would occasionally bring Sedgie water and food, of which he took just a bit each time. Through the evening we both pampered Sedgie.

He does not seem to have much discomfort at all. He just cannot eat. He still purrs a lot whenever we pat him, so we are keeping him with us instead of “putting him down” as the vet says. We cherish our time with him. He has been such a good and devoted kitty! His gentle ways and deep fondness for his humans are so sweetly appealing and appreciated. Here’s to you, little Sedgewick the Tum Tum Kitty. (Sedgie used to love his food and attained quite the broadness of beam in his prime.)

After the Gaia Meditation and Jim’s kitchen cleaning were finished, we came upstairs, bringing Sedgewick, to relax until an early bedtime, saying good night at 11 PM.