Friday, January 05, 2007


It was crazy weather today, squally and then sunny, settling at dusk into a soft rain. None of this feels like January in Kentucky. I walked around the yard with Jim before bath time in my sweater and jeans, perfectly comfortable.

After Morning Offering Jim worked in the L/L office downstairs, catching up on his long list of e-mail. I came upstairs determined to do some editing. Before I got the session opened, I fell asleep in my chair. It is tempting to think of such a morning as wasted. However I am quite sure that if my body needs sleep in order to heal, the correct decision is to go to sleep. My work always awaits me when I once again arise.

So after a restorative morning, I enjoyed lunch and stretching with Mick. He went outside to continue his work on our southern boundary. He now has all the bricks re-laid along our winding garden path. He’s also begun preparations to move our little statue of St. Francis so that it does not even come close to the boundary line. Where that statue was, Jim will place one last arbor vitae tree. Then our living hedge will be complete once again. And we can hope that, once the neighbor has no more possible causes for dispute, he will let us alone. Well, I said we could hope! Hoping is good.

I came upstairs and worked on Chapter Three of The Choice in the afternoon. I think I have a good angle of attack on the all-important subject of our energy bodies. I am excited about doing this work! I am also quietly pleased that, feeling as I did today, I was able to work at all. This was a tough day for me physically! I give sincere and heartfelt thanks for indoor plumbing and heating pads.

Along the way today I collected a recipe for our database for Greek Greens. Both Gary and Jim love greens. This recipe is interesting in its use of black olives and tomato paste, along with lots of garlic. It should taste grand! I went through the Christmas cards we have received since Christmas and displayed them. And I made a few calls and filed some papers in the downstairs office.

I also talked with Ian a bit more, throughout the day, about getting the Avalon Journal up in its own blog, the way the Camelot Journal is. It is feasible, but tedious. So I sent Gary the Admin a note asking him if he was willing to take the job on and make the blog, as he did for the Camelot Journal. If he does not want to recapture all the old entries, we can always start the Avalon blog fresh. However I would love to see every entry in place by its date, as I am proud of L/L Research’s recent effort at an expanded community. The entries to the Avalon Journal tell a good deal of its tale.

Mick and I had a good whirlpool and a pleasant evening indeed. There was football for Mick to watch and dozing for me to do, and we were both faithful to our tasks! Jim offered the ending prayer at the Gaia Meditation and we ended the evening snuggling with the cats.